Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy, Nottingham, U407

Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy, Nottingham

Simply the best!
Hypnotherapy is the most successful method known today for giving up cigarettes. If you want to quit now then this is the way to do it.

Hypnotherapists help many smokers on a regular basis to achieve their goal of giving up. It is a well known area of a hypnotherapists work and generally takes just one two hour session.

Subconscious Habit
Deciding to become a smoker is not usually a logical conscious decision. It is usually an emotional decision taken at a subconscious level. Hence it makes sense that any decision to stop needs to be taken by the subconscious too. In a nutshell that is why hypnotherapy is the most successful way to give up smoking cigarettes.

More free choice
Many people considering quitting may feel that their true choice is being taken away from them - despite them having no choice over their habit. The secret of hypnosis and NLP is that they allow people to use their imagination to create a non-smoking future that is logical. That in reality gives them more choice and makes more sense to them. This feels really powerful and positive. Stopping smoking becomes something to genuinely look forward to.

Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy, Nottingham

Hypnotherapy - the best!
To discover the most effective method to stop smoking a meta-analysis, incorporating the results of more than 600 studies totalling nearly 72,000 people was carried out by Frank Schmidt and Chockalingham Viswesvaran from the University of Iowa.

The results were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and included 48 studies with hypnosis covering 6000 smokers. They clearly showed that hypnotherapy was the most effective treatment for smoking cessation. (It was 3 times more effective than NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy!)

However, by using a combination of hypnotherapy and NLP the efficacy rate is increased even further.

Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy, Nottingham


Give Up Smoking with Hypnotherapy, Nottingham

- You will reduce your risk of developing illness, disability or death caused by cancer, lung or heart disease.
- You will reduce the chances of your children suffering from asthma or glue ear.
- You will reduce your risk of gangrene or amputation caused by circulatory problems.
- You will protect the health of those around you by not exposing them to second hand smoke.
- You will improve your fertility levels and your chance of a healthy pregnancy and baby.
- You will enjoy the taste of food more.
- You will save money - as much as several hundred pounds a month, if you're a heavy smoker (see below).
- You will improve your breathing and general fitness.
- You will no longer smell of stale tobacco.
- The appearance of your skin and teeth will improve.
- As a non-smoker, you may even find you get approached more often by potential new friends and partners when out socialising.
- You will feel more confident in social situations ... you won't be worrying about the second hand smoke you create anymore.
- You will reduce the risk of fire in your home.
- Your home will smell fresh and you will no longer be staining your walls with nicotine.

(source: NHS smokefree)

Perhaps you can think of another benefit personal to you?

Give Up Smoking with Hypnotherapy, Nottingham

Just a thought for you to consider ...

20 cigarettes at £9 a packet

A 20 a day smoker would save £3285 a year!

A 30 a day smoker would save £4927 a year!!

A 40 a day smoker would save £6570 a year!!!

As a non-smoker what will you do with all that extra money?

Give Up Smoking with Hypnotherapy, Nottingham
Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy

*Required disclaimer: Results, symptoms and treatment may vary from person to person, all individual cases are taken on merit.

Comprehensive Approach
With a combination of Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Behavioural Therapy, I can help you to become a non-smoker that is happier, healthier, confident and relaxed. I'll help you break the connections with smoking, whether they are emotional (such as stress or boredom) or physical (such as after a meal or with a drink) and help you feel great about saying “no” to cigarettes and tobacco.

Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy

The reason why this is such a successful technique is that we can retrain both the conscious and subconscious parts of your mind at the same time.

The conscious part of your mind can stop making excuses for your old unwanted smoking habit, and the subconscious part of your mind can let go of all your current self limiting and false beliefs about smoking - like how smoking helps you to relax, how addicted you are to nicotine and how hard it is going to be to quit.

Stop Smoking with Hypno-therapy

Through Behavioural Therapy we help you to consciously rethink your habits and how you justify them to yourself. Through Hypnotherapy and NLP we help retrain your subconscious mind to exchange your old unwanted beliefs about smoking for your new set of beliefs and behaviours that are far more in keeping with your desired smoke free life.

As part of this process, the main reasons why people fail to quit smoking long term (irritability, the cravings and withdrawal mood swings) can be replaced with feelings of calmness, relaxation, improved self-confidence, vitality, increased energy, and overall happiness.

Stop Smoking with Hypno-therapy, Nottingham

Treatment Length
Usually one long double session with a free follow up session if needed. This can vary from client to client.

Stop Smoking with Hypno-therapy, Nottingham

Hypnosis for smoking, Nottingham
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quit smoking with hypnotherapy, Nottingham
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