Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham, U409

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham

A road to peace
Hypnotherapy can rapidly improve the automatic ways in which we respond to stressors. It can also dramatically improve our ability to remain relaxed and in control. As a result, anxiety and stress can be powerfully undermined, so that anxiety disorders can dissipate for good.

The Stress Response:
- When we get stressed our bodies are subconsciously triggered to respond.

- The body releases hormones such as adrenaline so our systems are put on what we call ‘high alert’ - ready for ‘fight flight or freeze’.

- These hormones generate lots of changes around the body such as increased breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure.

- The leg muscles can feel like jelly as they are primed for a fast getaway.

- Our brains ‘feel stressed’ as they prepare for acute awareness and rapid action

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham

Designed to help
- These responses are fantastic at saving us in the best way possible when under genuine threat (escaping a predator in the jungle) but are most unpleasant and confusing when we experience them in everyday life (a comment from the boss).

- The body continues to respond like this for as long as you keep on experiencing the stressors.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham

Automatic 'choices'
- The way your mind automatically responds to such physical symptoms is the most important thing. It may interpret them in many different ways; from feeling excitement... finding it a challenge to give a diplomatic or even witty response... to panic and dread at feeling trapped in a painful and impossible situation. ...”

- After long periods exposed to stress, and the effects of our own stress hormones, the body may become exhausted and a state of continuing anxiety can be reached.

Restored Responses
- I could train you in techniques which can prevent the full 'stress response' from automatically occurring. Therefore enabling you to control your hormone response, ultimately to accommodate, and even enjoy, the challenges that life inevitably generates.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham


Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham

Anxiety Disorders:
Anxiety disorders are divided into six diagnosable categories with feelings of anxiety being clearly present in each:
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Acute Stress Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)see also Obsession / Compulsion page
- Phobia see also Phobia page
- Panic Disorder see also Panic Attack page
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

People often suffer from more than one of these at the same time. Please click on the links above to learn more about each anxiety disorder.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham

Some of the typical physical symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder are:

- pounding heartbeat
- high pulse rate
- high breathing rate
- shortness of breath
- trembling
- sweating
- cold clammy hands
- upset stomach
- worrying about future disasters, bad health etc
- frequent sighing
- generally apprehensive
- impatient and irritable
- angry outbursts
- insomnia
- diarrhoea
- frequent urination
- dry mouth
- lump in the throat
- flushing
- muscle aches and tension, especially in the neck and shoulders
- inability to relax
- easily startled
- fidgety
- eyelid and other twitches
- tiring easily

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Nottingham

Combined with these can be behavioural symptoms such as:

- avoidance
- escape
- obsessions
- dependency
- checking
- constantly apologising
- avoiding eye contact

Hypnosis for Stress, Nottingham
Hypnosis for Stress, Nottingham

*Required disclaimer: Results, symptoms and treatment may vary from person to person, all individual cases are taken on merit.

To Remove Anxiety with Hypnotherapy:

...for generalised anxiety and acute stress...

- You will learn controlled relaxation (how you can create a relaxed state of mind whenever you need it, thereby over-writing the feelings of stress or anxiety with very pleasant feelings)

- Discover if you have any distorted or negative thoughts that are operating in the background, and resolve them if needed. (removing any subconscious triggers to your anxiety)

- Discover your own powerful, inner resources for being relaxed and centred (showing you a more controlled and relaxed way of responding to the world around you)

- In hypnosis you can practice situations while experiencing them from a calm emotional state. (in this relaxed state things look very different and these insights can be taken away with you)

- At your deepest level of thinking you can implant powerful thoughts of self-confidence. (empower yourself to meet any challenges you need to, in a confident and positive way)

Hypnosis for Stress, Nottingham

- Hypnotherapy for anxiety & stress may help you with:
Allergies, Anger, Anxiety, Blushing, Bruxism, Debt, Divorce Stress, Executive Stress, Frustration, Hayfever, Irritability, Nightmares, Pre Menstrual Tension (PMT), Public Speaking, Sexual issues, Skin problems, Social anxieties, Speech impediments, Stress management, Tooth grinding and Worry

Hypnosis for Stress, Nottingham

This varies from person to person.

Hypnosis for Stress, Nottingham
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety
anxiety and stress
reduce anxiey and stress with hypnotherapy, Nottingham
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